About Me:
In ancient India, chiropractic medicine was very much a part of Ayurveda. Bone setting, manipulation, and stretching the spine as in yoga, have been a common practice in this ancient medicine. Chiropractic offers more than just adjustments. We also offer nutritional coaching, injury prevention, posture integration, and tissue alignment. We all know that balance is important to health. Activity needs to be balanced with rest. Concern needs to be balanced with not caring. In the area of the musculoskeletal system, the left side of the joint needs to be in balance with the right side of the joint. Both musculature and connective tissue can become more tired on one side of the joint, causing malfunction, irritation, inflammation, and pain. The knee is a perfect example of a joint that is highly susceptible to imbalances of musculature. The quadriceps muscle is a group of 4 muscles that work to extend the knee. Often, the medial or the lateral muscle in this group can become hypertensive resulting in misalignment, and wear and tear on the knee itself. Over time, this can worsen, causing the individual to seek help from a professional.
The ancient Indian medical science of Ayurveda specializes in treating chronic diseases. The program seeks to keep the body, mind, and spirit healthy as well.Ayurvedic medicine has been used for over five thousand years, according to research, with its earliest mentions in the Vedas. The three doshas of Ayurveda medicine, the five elements that make everything in existence.
Our bodies are composed of these five elements: air, fire, water, earth, and space.
Physical and mental states are influenced by these complexes. Chronic conditions can be treated with Ayurveda by curing its root cause and preventing further progression. Since prevention leads to better long-term results, the practice focuses on prevention rather than treatment.
Natural remedies are prioritized in this holistic approach in order to restore balance in the body, mind, and spirit. Herbs and dietary changes are both beneficial in combating the symptoms and progression of chronic diseases. lifestyle plays a very important role in complementing the effects of medicines and maintaining the benefits of treatment after the medicines have ended. So, Ayurveda equally focuses on your lifestyle and diseases. Ayurveda has its own sophisticated surgical techniques for diseases of anorectal area.
People of all ages are susceptible to anorectal disorders. Piles, fissures, and fistulas are the most common anorectal disorders which can be treated without surgery with oral medications, lifestyle modifications and special techniques like kshara sutra. Ayurveda has special treatment techniques with which it successfully answers long standing auto immune diseases, joint and spine diseases,skin ailments,infertility and many other conditions where allopathy doesn’t give a perfect and reasonable answer. Ayurveda not only focuses on curing ailments but plays an important role in preventive medicine like health restoration, immunity boosting , prevention of aging ,mind and body relaxation. As the word indicates ayu is life and veda is knowledge ayurveda is not just a science dealing with treatment but is based on principles to improve overall quality of life and longevity.