Dr John Bruce Clark

Dr. John Bruce Clark

Chiropractic Specialist

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Education & Training

Chiropractic Specialist: Canada, India

Educator: Chiropractic & PNT (Pain Neutralization Specialist)

Finally, the most populated and the most prosperous country on this planet will have its very own chiropractic college!! These are exciting times for the profession globally, and especially for India. I am privileged to have a front-row seat to witness the birth of this new institution which will educate chiropractors to serve the people of this region for generations! A heartfelt congratulations to all who have brought this accomplishment to life. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the tireless efforts of Dr. Jay Doshi and his leadership and vision. Every idea needs a champion!!

I am available to advocate this noble cause and impart myself, my knowledge base, and my experience to this noble cause.